decline in oil/gas price per year be because of depletion of the product!

    • decline in oil/gas price per year be because of depletion of the product!

      oil /gas well is different when it comes to decline curves. Granted,
      those that are in the same field, have the same characteristics will be
      similar. Secondly, oil and gas owners enjoy interesting tax benefits; check out
      the tax calculator on our web page, comparing real estate tax burdens and/or
      benefits and oil and gas tax benefits. Oil and gas offer an automatic 15% depletion
      of the gross revenues. Castlel Oil and Gas highly recommends to dicuss the tax
      rules and regulations with a licensed CPA.
    • Can you elaborate further on "Decline in oil/gas price per year..."

      Hello John_david

      Could you please elaborate further.

      Oil/gas prices are one one of the most complex problems in today's financial world.
      Everybody is looking for answers. But there are no definite answers?

      Take the Peak Oil Theory for instance. Has the Oil peaked? Is it going to peak in 2011?
      I am a new comer into this part and I am learning. But I find contradicting data.

      Hope to hear again from you with more enlightening thoughts.


      For Oil & Gas Jobs

      Post was edited 1 time, last by Kyung ().