IMF predicts deeper economic downturn

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    • IMF predicts deeper economic downturn

      In an article published on 2nd of October 2008, it is written :
      "The current financial market meltdown being witnessed in the United States and other advanced economies will likely lead to longer and deeper economic downturns in some of these countries, according to new IMF research."

      "Economies like the United States, with more arms-length or market-based financial systems, seem to be particularly vulnerable to sharp contractions in activity in the face of financial stress," Charles Collyns, Deputy Director in the IMF's Research Department, said at a press briefing today. Citing the chapter, "Financial Stress and Economic Downturns," he added that "this is because leverage tends to be more procyclical in these economies, which means that when a shock hits the financial system, the process of deleveraging can be more severe, and the risks of a credit crunch are greater."

      Worldoils Notes :